Texana Living History Association Cast of  Performers

Tom Bristow

Henrietta  Bristow

Jack Edmondson as James Bowie

Edmondson, Jack
James Bowie - Hero of the Alamo (pictured above)
Sam Houston - Hero of San Jacinto and first President of the Republic of Texas
Leander McNelly - Famous Texas Ranger

LaJuanna Faught as Deline Rose

 LaJuanna Faught
Deliens Rose (Margaret Deliens Wells Rose) - Woman of the Texas Revolution
Sukey Boyd -Woman of the Texas Frontier

Molly Goodknight - Woman of the Texas Frontier

Susanna Dickinson - Survivor of the Alamo

Bob Gruber
Bob is our chuckwagon cook "Smokey," composite character of a fur trader and a Rancher.

Rachel Gruber
Rachel portrays a composite Character for Texana

Jo Langwell
Choctaw Indian Woman

Brenda Magee as Margaret Lee Houston

Magee, Brenda

Sarah McClure - Woman of the Texas Revolution
Margaret Beeman Bryan - John Neely Bryan’s Wife

Margaret Lee Houston - Wife of Sam Houston

Suzanna Dickinson - survivor of the Alamo
Molly Goodknight - Woman of the Texas Frontier

Kathy Ogle
Kathy portrays a Composite Character for Texana and teaches Pioneer Life Skills.  Kathy also conducts Craft Demonstrations, and Workshops.

Barbara Welch   

Margret Lee Houston - Wife of Sam Houston

Becky Welch
Susanna Dickinson - Survivor of the Alamo


Bob Welch as Sam Houston

 Bob Welch
Jesse Chisholm- Indian Trader
Sam Houston - Hero of San Jacinto
Colonel Ranald Mackenzie - Cavalry officer in the Indian Wars
John B. Jones- Texas Ranger

 Cindy Vaillancourt

Eugenie Lavender - Pioneer Artist
Lizzie Johnson - Cattle Woman 1870's